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Repair service

Authorized repair service

“Euromed-Sofia” as an authorized representative of Elekta UK for Bulgaria commits with the maintenance of linear accelerators and brachytherapy installations:

In accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer

All manipulations, operations and activities included in the planned preventive maintenance procedures and technical service are implemented in accordance with the instructions of the equipment manufacturer Elekta – UK.

Certified specialist

According to the requirements for technical service of the linear accelerators, brachytherapy installations and the performance of warranty and after warranty conditions of service of the manufacturer Elekta UK, those activities are being carried out by an authorized and certified for this activity from the manufacturer persons.

First class medicine

Activities of installation, dismantling and technical service of the medical equipment provide the activities for the departments of radiotherapy in the healthcare institutions to carry out the treatment of cancer patients with the resources of first class medicine.

Our goal is to create the most favorable technical and technological conditions for performing a first-class radiotherapy for patients.​